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Dorje Phagmo ( Vajravarahi)


SKU: THYO03 Categories: , ,

Drove Phagmo as known as Vajravarahi is a wrathful form of Vajrayogini associated particularly with the Chakrasamvara Tantra.

Red in color, slightly wrathful, with one face and two hands she gazes forward with three eyes. The face of a brown female boar protrudes from her right side behind the ear. Held aloft in the right hand is a curved knife and to the heart with the left a skullcup. The bend of the elbow cradles a vajra katvanga staff – long and thin. Crowned with a tiara of five skulls the black hair of the head flows downward behind. Adorned with earrings, necklaces, bracelets and a girdle with decorative tassels, she wears a garland of fresh heads. Draped across the shoulders is a long scarf. The right leg is raised in a dancing posture and the left presses upon a small red sun disc atop a prone yellow figure above another sun disc resting on a multi-coloured lotus blossom surrounded by a large red sphere of tightly swirling flames of pristine awareness fire.

Within the sphere reside the close attendant dakinis and the top left two and right two are four dakinis, yellow Rupini, red Khandaroha, green Lama and blue Dakini. Each four hands holding a curved knife and skullcup in the first pair and an upraised damaru drum and katvanga staff in the second. Wearing the same ornaments and standing firmly with both legs, each is surrounded by fire.

At the top center in Heruka form is Chakrasamvara, blue, with four faces and twelve arms. With the first two of his twelve arms Heruka is embracing his consort Vajravarahi, with the right one holding a five-spoked vajra and with the left a bell. The consort Vajravarahi is essentially the same as in the 2-armed version having a body red in color, one face, two hands and three eyes. The left holds a blood filled skullcup and embraces Heruka, and the right, in a threatening gesture, holds a curved knife.

Along the sides and bottom are different Bodhisattvas and lamas. Seated at the bottom right and left corners are monastic figures wearing robes.

Artist: Gyamcho Lama

Size: 44.5” x 27.75″

Additional information

Weight2 lbs
Dimensions28 x 2.25 in

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